Useful HTML Elements You Might Not Be Using Enough

I was taking a look around the Mozilla Developer Network site to learn more about HTML elements. While doing so, I saw a few that I either didn’t use or thought that I could be using more and wanted to share with you. For each, I’ll post what it is and why you might consider using it more in your code.

Why would you do such a thing?

I think this is interesting because even while I do web development quite a bit, there are always new things coming out. While I might have been familiar with elements a few years ago, the built-in tags are evolving. (I tried to avoid tags in this post that were not supported by most browsers.)

This actually applies to many areas of learning and knowledge. What we think we know ends up being inaccurate or incomplete, so we need to continually review and reevaluate what we know.

The main recurring theme in this post is that more accurate tags allow us to capture the semantics of the content that we have in them. When we use semantic tags, we give a deeper understanding of what the content actually means. Search engines and other automated tools can get a better understanding of our website, and while we are working with it, we also can understand the intent more clearly.

With HTML5, we can create any tag we want. By seeing what tags are already there, we avoid reinventing tags. Also we can get ideas for semantic tags that we can create in our own projects.

Tag, You’re It!


I like this tag because it is pretty common to put an address on a web page (maybe in the footer or on a contact/about page.) But instead of putting it in a <div> or something, this tag allows us to be semantic about the address.


This tag is more common. Again, using it is more semantic than using something like a <pre> tag for displaying monospaced text. It signifies that the contents are computer code.

There are various plugins online that will highlight text in code blocks. Some of them work off of class attributes, and others try to infer the language from the contents.


I think this tag is a little more rare in the wild. It should show the output of running a computer program. I think this is interesting because it most of the time the <code> or <pre> shows both the input and output, but this would actually be more correct. By using a different tag, you can style them differently to show the output more clearly. I think this would make various technical writing and documentation easier to understand. Worst case, you could make the styles the same as your <code> formatting and then change them when there is a meaningful distinction from your output.


I actually really like this one for technical manuals. There are many times when you try to say something like: Ctrl + Alt + Delete, when with the <kbd> tag you can get nice styling like Ctrl + Alt + Del with some CSS. (Inspect those tags to see the styling I used.) I think that the result is easier to read.


[citation needed] is all the rage on Wikipedia, and it is common to need to cite sources in our own work. Instead of having quotes have “– Aristotle, The Republic” at the end, you can have a <cite> tag that has this information and then use styling to add the dash at the beginning.


I find <fieldset> useful for laying out forms. One approach is to put a border around a group of controls, so that they visually distinct from other form elements.


If you’re using <fieldset>s, <legend> tags can help explain what the contents are. For example, if you had first name, last name, and date of birth in a <fieldset>, you might call the group “General information”.


This one is interesting. It is supposed to be a semantic way to represent short quotes. I’m guessing that it would be useful for research papers. But I think it might also be nice for inline quotes (quotes inside of quotes) or for styling quoted text. I haven’t used it much, but might consider this going forward.


<track> gives you the ability to link text to audio or video elements for subtitling. This would be really useful if you had a web app or podcast that linked together a presentation with audio and a text transcript. Or maybe even a video with audio and a text transcript.


This tag can be used for exactly specifying time. Programs could then read this and understand when a game will start, when an event is happening, or when something occurred.

I’m not sure if there is a fuzziness factor (something happened on this day in history, not this exact time) or for time ranges, but I think these would be useful.

A possible extension would be to say when something happened, and then for the website to use JavaScript to automatically convert the time into something more human-readable. So instead of “2015-12-06 18:04”, say “yesterday at around 6”. This could be achieved pretty easily using something like moment.js.


Again, I think this element has merit for technical documentation. You have the ability to link a word to its definition, and can refer to this throughout the documentation in an unambiguous manner. One possibility would be to automatically create a glossary for a book by parsing it for <dfn> elements. Another use would be for styling definitions consistently.


While using <span>s with class attributes might be one approach to highlighting text, you might as well use the built-in tag to accomplish the same goal. You can still change the color with CSS, but get the added benefit of saying that this element exists purely for styling.


This was one that I didn’t know about before reading the documentation. Basically you can display a progress bar using nothing but HTML and CSS and change the value using JavaScript. While many front-end frameworks have an implementation of progress bar, this would be a good lightweight control if you aren’t using one. Bootstrap appears to use a <div> with a progress class instead of using an element. I wonder what the tradeoffs of using a <progress> instead would be.


Last, the <var> tag represents a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context. I think that this could be useful for styling these elements differently and also for separating code or shell commands from variables. You might use it to replace most inline <code> elements.

Wrapping up

Hope you found these tags interesting, and maybe you looked around a little and found some other tags that you didn’t know about.

Are there any great tags that you think are underrated? Share them in the comments!

Fluent Forever Review

I just finished up the Fluent Forever book by Gabriel Wyner and thought it was great. I’m interested in learning Spanish, and I like the approach that the book takes. It has solid advice and is backed up with some research citations.

In this post I’ll break down my key takeaways from the book and the accompanying website which has rich videos. Check out Derek Sivers’s post for an in-depth review.

Spaced repetition is key

Consistent spaced repetition underpins the entire system. I won’t go into heavy detail in this post, but it is basically a way to create flash cards that you see at the optimal time for retention. An algorithm determines how often you will see cards, so you only review cards that you actually need to review. By setting up small cards that you can review, you can learn and retain a lot of information.

Pronunciation first

Wyner stresses learning pronunciation first. It is important to do this if you want to speak in your target language so you aren’t actually learning two languages, one spoken and one written. This seems to make sense, although I think I would have tried to put pronunciation off until later without this advice.

He spends some time in the book and has various resources on his website about learning pronunciation. Specifically, the IPA is used. I would have disregarded this as a tool, but it actually seems like a good way of learning the sounds of your language and being able to sound out words that you might not know. Also, being able to spell out words that you hear.

Vocabulary next

After getting some base pronunciation to avoid needing to unlearn words, the next step is to learn the top words of your target language.

To start thinking in your target language, don’t use your native language at all. Only use pictures that you recognize to give meaning to the words. So instead of saying “cat” -> “gato”, you say “picture of cat” -> “gato” (and the reverse) and “audio of gato” -> “gato”. This helps reinforce the language that you are trying to learn and prevents you from translating into your native language.

By learning the top 600-1000 words, you can greatly increase the amount of the language that you can say and understand.

Grammar from sentences

After this, start looking for grammatical patterns and creating cards in your spaced repetition system for them. Also, start working on different verb terms, etc.

Speak, read, and listen

You should at this point start producing in your target language because this will expose where you are weak and strengthen your grasp of the language. There are a variety of resources online to talk to people that speak your language and potentially help them with English.

He recommends reading in your target language, especially if you can find an audiobook version and play it at the same time for the first book. This helps reinforce your pronunciation.

Television and movies in your target language are another resource that can be helpful for helping you be able to carry on a conversation in the language you are trying to learn.


Overall, I recommend checking this book out if you are interested in learning a new language. I think that it takes an approach to learning languages that is both new and seems really useful.

Daily and Weekly Points Checklist

Wanted to share an organization system that I came up with that combines my weekly flip fold calendar idea and life gamification. In this post I’ll give you a template to use to set up your own system. Wanted to share since I was thinking about systems like this recently and realized that I hadn’t written it up yet.

Basically, you set up your daily goals, and they total to 100 points per day. Then, you have some weekly goals, and they should total to 300 points. Then at the end of the week, you see how many of your goals you have accomplished. 700 points would be a 70% success rate. I made it 1000 points just because it was a nice round number and I think it was a good weighting for daily and weekly items. You need to do daily habits (they can be simple), but also keep your weekly goals in mind.

Here is the daily/weekly points template. I made this by using some graph paper to keep everything lined up, and the scan took out the guidelines.

Here is a rough image of what a completed template looks like). I blocked out some things that were potentially sensitive.

I generally prefer keeping things analog until I am pretty sure that I am going to use them regularly. It also lets me modify the system, which keeps it a bit more flexible.

At the bottom, you can see the flip calendar reincarnated in a more linear fashion. All of the basic elements are there as they were before. Again, this is a good way to plan out the week and slot in the weekly tasks that I want to get done.

I think it helped me be more aware of all of the things that I was trying to do and organize them. The image I linked to was when I did BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits program and had three small habits each day to do. The others were “conducts” to try to do things that I thought would help me be more consistent. I liked that some of the habits on this sheet were meta: “get points for filling out this day on the day it happens” and “get points for finishing the sheet”. I think part of the value is continuing with the system, and it also relates to other habit posts that I had, including the streaks calendar.

Should I Work For Free?

In one of the Slack organizations I am in, some of the people in the design channel were talking about how spec work permeates their industry and how it is harmful. They talked about how this came to be and the effects of it. I stayed out of the discussion for a while, but I finally posted this to try to help understand what they were saying and state my perspective. Since I thought it might be valuable to you if you are a freelancer or consultant, wanted to share it here.

The Post

I have worked more in a software development capacity, so I am not steeped in the “spec work” culture as much, but I basically would not give work away for free for someone who is able to pay money. I think part of our responsibility as people who take on clients is to verify the following before engaging to learn more:

  • what is the significant business problem you have?
  • why are you trying to solve it today?
  • have you had and solved problems like this before?
  • do you have a budget for this project, and is it at least $X0000 dollars?
  • are you the project owner?

I will admit to mostly lifting this from Brennan Dunn’s Double Your Freelancing Rate book and related materials. But I think it is a good list to qualify leads that will prevent a lot of headache. There are certainly clients that will filter out of the process at this point, and the best case would be for you to be able to direct them to someone else that would be able to help or to a good resource to learn more. I think we have all run across someone who wants a MailChimp clone for $500, and we just have to say that this is almost certainly unreasonable, and here is why, and here are other resources that you can investigate and the potential advantages or pitfalls of going that route. Sometimes people just have an unrealistic or uninformed expectation, and at least we can tell them why we think this is incorrect and help them on their journey.

A business might think they need a new website, when in reality they have a product or positioning issue, or they are not getting enough traffic to their existing website, or other problems. So I think it is our responsibility to understand the underlying problems the client has and to make sure that we are solving the actual problem they have. That is a lot more valuable than just saying “yep, you specify it, I code it.” Or, “you give me a design, and I design it.” At that point you are a commodity, and will be able to charge accordingly. If you can provide more value than that, then you are not in the same market segment and can justify a higher rate as a result.

I think it’s easy to blame the industry or norms, but I think it’s important to say “what can I do to ensure that the projects that I take on are going to be the kind of projects that I want to work on?” Part of it is working with clients to establish better default communication and expectations.

It’s interesting though. I think that there likely some “free” work involved in most consulting industries. If you write a blog post or go to a conference or a networking event, or learn a new technology or process, or meeting with leads, this is time that you are not charging clients. But it is probably really important to ensuring that you get new work in the door. If you were turning away good work every week, would you have any incentive to do spec work?

Thanks for reading, and I’d actually love to hear more about this. I think it is an interesting topic.

Consistently Snake- and Camel-Casing

I am working on a couple of projects that use Ruby on the back end and JavaScript on the front end. The Ruby convention for variables is snake_case, while JavaScript variables are camelCased. This causes friction when we pass things between the front end and the back end.

An ad-hoc solution might result in the Ruby code handling some camel-cased variables when reading in JSON or when sending a response. Otherwise, the JavaScript code has underscores all over the place, which is also undesirable. It has the effect of cluttering up our front end code.

Overall, this discrepancy makes it harder to derive the right variable name each time on both the server and the client. Languages have conventions primarily to make it easier to remember what to call things. However, this breaks down when there are two or more languages in play that have different conventions.

A solution that I implemented that I’m pretty happy with so far is to consistently snake- and camel-case on the server. This can be done with two steps. First, we create a middleware that intercepts requests with a JSON body and converts the keys to snake-case. Then, whenever we send a JSON response, we convert the response to camel-case for the client to consume.

There are a few advantages to doing it this way. We will have consistent snake-casing on the back end and consistent camel-casing on the front end. Our linters will have fewer false positives. In addition, our tests are also generally easier to write because they can use the correct case (except for server-side controller tests, since these require camel-case input.)

For the specific project that I’m working on, I used a pair of gems written by the same author. The plissken gem turns camel-cased hash keys into their snake-case equivalent, and even works recursively for arrays of hashes. The awrence gem does the reverse, going from snake-case to camel-case. So if we were using Sinatra and ActiveSupport, a middleware might look like:

  use Rack::Parser, parsers: {
    'application/json' => -> (data) do

Which will load the JSON body into the params hash, and we can access it with symbols or strings.

Our JSON responses can be automatically camel-cased with the following middleware:

class CamelizeJsonResponseMiddleware < Sinatra::Base
  after do
    pass unless content_type == 'application/json'
    if response.body.length > 0
      body response.body.to_camelback_keys.to_json

The nice thing about using middlewares is that we don’t have to remember to convert for each request. Our application is more consistent as a result.

One potential downside is if the gems don’t work as expected or if the input or output is particularly complicated and our expectations are violated. The other would be if someone new came onto the project and doesn’t understand the middlewares. They might be quite confused until they figured out what was going on. I think documentation and logging would help address most of the issues here.

I’m pretty happy with how this worked out, and think that it makes the code a lot cleaner. Hope this helps you on your projects!