The State of Ruby and Testing

At the May 2011 Indy.rb meetup, I suggested creating a survey to figure out what versions of Ruby people were using, and what testing stacks they use and would like to use. I created this survey and tweeted it out, and was impressed with the results! Over a hundred people filled out the information, from several continents and numerous countries. Thanks to everyone who participated!

The questions and their results

  • What versions of Ruby have you ever tried out?
  • What versions of Ruby do you currently use in production or for real apps?
  • What testing frameworks are your active projects using?
  • If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what testing frameworks would you use?
  • What mocking/stubbing frameworks are your active projects using?
  • If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what mocking/stubbing frameworks would you use?
  • What do your active projects use to populate testing data?
  • If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what would you use for populating testing data?

What versions of Ruby have you ever tried out?

Summary: a wide variety of Ruby versions used. What the heck is kiji, you might ask? This was a useful post on kiji.

What versions of Ruby do you currently use in production or for real apps?

Summary: Mostly 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 in production use right now. REE is production-ready.

What testing frameworks are your active projects using?

If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what testing frameworks would you use?

Conclusion: Expect to see MiniTest in more production apps in the future.

What mocking/stubbing frameworks are your active projects using?

If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what mocking/stubbing frameworks would you use?

Conclusion: RSpec mocks are here to stay.

What do your active projects use to populate testing data?

If you were starting a new Rails project right now, what would you use for populating testing data?

Conclusion: Factory Girl and Machinist are going to remain popular. Rails fixtures are hanging around.

The Data Source

Here is the spreadsheet of results (with contact information and bad rows stripped). I didn’t spend very much time making killer visualizations, and there are some great comments in there. Highly recommended to get a feel for what people are using. Someone else could probably create a correlation table of common tool sets. For example, showing that people who use RSpec commonly use a certain mocking framework. Also, there is geographic info there, so we can see which region is on the cutting edge… :)

Edit: A note on the charts. People could respond with multiple answers, and I just tallied the answers for each category. For example, if 50 people said they used 1.8.6 and 1.8.7 and 50 people said 1.8.7, 1.8.7 would get 2/3 of the chart (100 “votes”), and 1.8.6 would get 1/3 (50 “votes”). The graphs could have been clearer, feel free to create a better visualization with the data. Thanks to the Hacker News commenters for bringing this up.


I took the data, and filtered it with this script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

types = [][0]).each do |line|
  types += line.split(", ") unless line.length == 0

counts =
types.each do |type|
  counts[type.downcase] += 1

counts.each do |key, value|
  puts "#{key}\t#{value}"

Then, I put it in an Open Office spreadsheet, cleaned up the data a bit and sorted by the number descending. I should have probably outsourced this task, as it took awhile to get things looking right. It was terrible getting the chart images out of OO though. Had to copy to Draw, then export selection to an image file…

What did I miss?

Is your favorite testing framework not represented here? I left out some frameworks that only one person said. Check the spreadsheet for all of the data and some great comments. If you want to fill out the survey after having read this, go ahead and do so here. I might update this blog post at some point in the future or create a second one with updates…

What else could I have done, and do you want to be notified when future surveys take place? I’d imagine something in my survey process could have been improved. Leave a comment or email me at!

Categories: main

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