Why Blog?

If you’re seeing this post, then my nefarious plan worked.

I had the idea of having a personal blog external to SEP after seeing that the posts and comments could not be seen by others outside of the company. Essentially it was like emailing everyone internally. More importantly, no cross-pollination with the community could happen either. It seemed like the overall value could be improved by taking a little more effort to put the ideas out there. I talked with a few people about their blogging habits and practices, and determined that this could work.

Having an external blog is nice because I can have different categories and tags and send specific posts to work so people won’t be bothered by my incessant posts on cats. It’s also pretty nice because it will establish a common place where people can see my thoughts and interact with me. This is handy for going to seminars or conferences or other general networking outside of whatever my current company happens to be.

There are some exciting things going on right now with SEP and the software community at large, so it’s great to be able to talk about them. I think that to achieve the goals that we want to achieve, it’s important to excel externally as well as internally. Hopefully relevant blogging can help with the former. I encourage you to join by blogging yourself or becoming an active participant on other blogs. You probably have experiences that would be helpful for others to know about, and it’s great to get some street cred. I was talking with a tech evangelist at Microsoft, and he said that one day someone was having a conversation with him, and the other person starting quoting one of his articles without realizing it. He said, “yeah, I know that, I wrote that.” The other person was pretty impressed. How cool is that?

You can read all of my non-work posts at www.panozzaj.com.

Don’t worry, if there’s any super-secret-confidential information, it won’t be in here. Perhaps I’ll revert to the Sharepoint blog for that.

Anyway, enough metablogging.

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